Updating the help files in case of subsequent changes of the base element

If you change the element after you have generated the external help, you have to perform some adjustments so that the help files are updated accordingly. These adjustments differ – depending on the kind of the done change.

(warning) This article gives a condensed version of the steps only. Details on how to edit/generate the help can be found in the article "Generating and opening external help for blocks".

In-/outputs have been added, deleted or renamed (applies for POUs).

If you create new in-/outputs or you delete/change the existing ones, Neuron recommends the following procedure:

  1. Edit the help – use the command Edit Help.
    Result: The table with the in-/outputs in the opened Textile file has been updated.

  2. Examine this table and add the descriptions of the new in-/outputs.
    (info) You can compare the current content with the local history and even copy/paste parts of the text from a previous edition.

  3. Create a new image.

  4. Save the modified file.

  5. Create the help – use the command Generate Help.

The name of an element has been changed.

If you change the name of an element  (e.g by using the command Rename Element – see "Renaming elements"), the original help files are kept. Neuron recommends the following procedure:

  1. Click  in toolbar of the project explorer and select Filters and Customization... In the dialog, uncheck .* - Resources (under Filter) and click OK.   

  2. Expand the folder .olh that is now visible.

  3. Update the files in this folder as follows:

    1. Rename the Textile file *.textile with the original name to the new name of the element. Mind to not overwrite the language identifier DE or EN in the name.

    2. Create a new image. This is necessary in particular, if the name of the element is displayed within the block interface.

    3. Delete the remaining files with the original name of the element. Usually, these files are HTML and PNG files.

  4. Open the Textile file for the affected element – use the command Edit Help.

  5. In the Textile file, search for the original name. Change all occurrences to the new name of the element. Save the modified file.

  6. Create the help – use the command Generate Help.

An element has been moved.

If you move an element to a different folder, the help files are kept in the original folder. Neuron recommends the following procedure:

  1. Click  in toolbar of the project explorer and select Filters and Customization... In the dialog, uncheck .* - Resources (under Filter) and click OK.    

  2. Make sure that there is a folder .olh located in parallel to the new element position. If this folder does not exist yet, create the help for the moved element – use the command Generate Help. This creates the folder .olh.

  3. Now expand the folder .olh located in parallel to the original element position.

  4. Move all files for the relevant element from the original folder to the target folder .olh located in parallel to the new element position. Usually, these files are HTML, PNG and Textile files. Confirm the message to overwrite file in the target folder.

  5. Create the help again – use the command Generate Help.

An element has been copied/pasted.

If you copy and paste an element within the same project, you have to change the name of the element as well because elements in Neuron Power Engineer must have a unique name. When copying and pasting a new element, the help files are not copied and pasted. Neuron recommends the following procedure:

  1. Open the Textile file for the original element and the one for the new element – use the command Edit Help for both elements.

  2. For each text part to be used for the new element: Select the text in the Textile file of the original element, copy the text into the clipboard and paste this text into the Textile file of the new element.

  3. Create a image for the new element.

  4. Create the help for the new element – use the command Generate Help.

An element has been deleted.

If you delete an element, the help files are kept. Neuron recommends the following procedure:

  1. Click  in toolbar of the project explorer and select Filters and Customization... In the dialog, uncheck .* - Resources (under Filter) and click OK.   

  2. Expand the folder .olh that is now visible.

  3. Delete all files with the original name of the element. Usually, these files are HTML, PNG and Textile files.